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Embark on a sensory journey with our captivating fragrance, an opulent symphony of contrasts and harmonies. At the forefront, the tantalizing scent of leather intertwines with the fresh verdancy of tomato leaf, invoking a sense of mystery and allure. As the scent unfurls, a lush heart of galbanum and labdanum dances with the delicate floral nuances of orris root and the herbal embrace of clary sage, creating an intoxicating blend that captivates the senses. Finally, a rich tapestry of base notes unfolds, where the warmth of vanilla absolute and benzoin mingles with the resinous depths of tolu balsam and myrrh, while opoponax adds a touch of exoticism. The velvety smoothness of sandalwood and the lingering allure of musk complete this evocative composition, leaving a trail of unforgettable elegance in your wake. Experience the essence of luxury with every spritz of this exquisite perfume


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SKU: 00043
PriceFrom R695,00
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